3、投標人資格要求 投標人應具備的資格或業績:1) 具有獨立的法人資格,相應的經營范圍。投標方應具有正規注冊的辦事處、維修站及零備件保稅庫。在中國境內應有專門負責的經驗豐富的維修工程師和專門的技術應用支持工程師。1) With independent legal person qualification, the corresponding business scope. Bidders should have formal registration office, repair and spare parts bonded library. Within the territory of China shall be responsible for the experienced maintenance engineers and specialized technical application support engineer. 2)必須提供所投產品的生產商針對本次招標項目出具的j*授權書;制造商或者代理商至少有三年從事類似貨物生產和銷售的經驗。 2) must provide the cast product exclusive authorization letter issued by the producer for the project subject to tender; Manufacturers or the agents must have at least three years’ experience in the similar goods production. 3) 投標人提供的投標機型應是原產地的全新產品; 3) Provide bidders bidding models should be the origin of new products; 4)項目預算包含設備交付使用前的一切相關費用,投標單位的投標報價須充分考慮包括設備本身費用以及相伴隨的外貿進口等費用,同時須充分考慮匯率波動風險等可能導致超預算的因素。 4)Project budget contains all the costs associated with the equipment before delivery, the tenderer's tender offer shall give full consideration to include the device itself cost and accompanied by the foreign trade import cost, at the same time, must fully consider the risk of currency fluctuations and other factors may lead to over budget. 是否接受聯合體投標:不接受 未領購招標文件是否可以參加投標:不可以 4、招標文件的獲取 招標文件領購開始時間:2018-07-30 招標文件領購結束時間:2018-08-06 是否在線售賣標書:否 獲取招標文件方式:現場領購 招標文件領購地點:上海市長壽路285號恒達廣場16樓 招標文件售價:¥500/$85 5、投標文件的遞交 投標截止時間(開標時間):2018-08-21 09:30 投標文件送達地點:上海市長壽路285號恒達廣場22樓 開標地點:上海市長壽路285號恒達廣場22樓 6、聯系方式 招標人:上海科技大學 地址:環科路199號 聯系人:厲莉 聯系方式:86-21-20685185 招標代理機構:上海市機械設備成套(集團)有限公司 地址:上海市長壽路285號恒達廣場16樓 聯系人:張潔瑋 陳永亮 聯系方式:86-21-32557775;021-32557719 7、匯款方式: 招標代理機構開戶銀行(人民幣):上海銀行白玉支行 招標代理機構開戶銀行(美元):上海銀行白玉支行 賬號(人民幣):31663803002790962 賬號(美元):31663803002790962